Services Provided by the Office of University Counsel

OUC attorneys have expertise across the range of subject areas listed. We tend to specialize in one or more areas, but seek to work broadly with colleagues to provide our UNM clients with the range of advice and service they need. Anyone unsure which OUC lawyer to call should contact Ariadna Vazquez, Deputy University Counsel at 505-277-3443 or

The University’s Regents, President, Provost, Vice Presidents, Deans, and Directors are authorized to seek legal service directly from the Office of University Counsel. Other members of the University community, including faculty, staff, and students, seeking legal advice concerning University business should have their request reviewed by the appropriate supervisor and forwarded to the Office of University Counsel by one of the officers above. No component of the University may retain or employ outside counsel except with the prior approval of the University President.

The OUC does not provide legal advice to UNM community members in connection with personal legal affairs or questions. However, the Resources page contains information about organizations that provide such services. The information presented on this site is for informational purposes only does not constitute legal advice or establish an attorney-client relationship. 

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